April 10

Deeper Learning #5

Social media! Apps! Online “dailies!” All that technology jargon!

I began #DLMOOC with a Facebook account, a Twitter account I rarely used, a LinkedIn account that is current, and a Pinterest account I use for curating (mostly non-academic) project ideas. I had a vague realization that there were other social media platforms, but they were just a buzz in the background.

Over the course of the MOOC, I added Storify and Feedly to my social media vernacular, and just began experimenting with Feedly. I will try Storify soon, as it looks like a great tool for curation. I tried about.me, but found it requires a larger learning curve than I am willing for right now.

My #DLMOOC peers also introduced me to a number of apps that I have installed, but not yet played with. These include Magisto and Tellagami.

I have been intrigued by the several “dailies” that show up in my Twitter feed. Essentially an online newspaper, curated from articles, videos, etc. accumulated from across the web. My personal preference is the concise publications that focus on a particular topic or special interest of the editor/organization. Once I have a flow well established in my social media routine, I will check paper.li out more thoroughly.

The most significant immediate change I have made in my social media presence is in my consistent use of Twitter. I use it to share articles I find of interest, to participate in certain scheduled chats, in particular #PBLchat on Tuesday evenings, and to communicate with a few of my #DLMOOC peers.

I have also been mulling over the question “what’s the point?” I am sure the reasons for diving into social media vary, but for me it has proven to be an efficient way to browse the MANY articles of interest that are posted across the Internet. It is also a good way to broaden my PLN, or Personal Learning Network. A nice summary of what a PLN is, and its value, can be found at:


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Posted April 10, 2014 by inspirepassion in category Deeper Learning

About the Author

I am a process-focused leader who uses collaboration, authenticity, and mentoring as key skills to inspire passion among learners of all ages. Aggregate eclectic professional experiences have honed my ability to coach others in designing and implementing courses of study using inquiry-/project-based learning (PBL).

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